Faith Formation

Adult and Youth Faith Formation Programs

Adult Faith Formation

Faith formation is life-long; it never ends. OLA offers many opportunities for adults to enrich and share their own faith and grow in the life of Christ through special presentations, evenings of reflection, prayer and Scripture study, and small faith-sharing groups.

RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

We welcome those who are not Catholic to walk with us to explore the journey of our faith.

Those who have not been baptized are prepared to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Candidates raised in another Christian community are invited to full communion in the Roman Catholic Church by celebrating Confirmation and Eucharist.

Youth Faith Formation

We recognize that parents are the primary guides for their children, and these programs are secondary to the active faith life of the family. To a large extent, the success of your child’s formal Faith Formation program depends upon you, the parents, and what you do at home. Compare the time your child is at OLA with the amount of time spent under your influence. Clearly, the finest programs cannot succeed if a child returns to a vacuum, a household where faith is not taken seriously and cherished. Parents are living examples and nurture their children by showing them the richness and beauty of lived faith. Within the home, the child receives the foundations for a life of faith: a sense of trust, freedom, and joy.


Registration for returning families for the Faith Formation program begins in July.
New families, please call the office at 518-785-1605 to register. We’d love to meet you in person! Children and youth registering must provide a certificate of baptism and must be part of a registered family within the parish.

Living in Faith Newsletter Summer 2024

Elementary (Grades 1-5)
Sessions are scheduled on Sunday mornings from 10-11 a.m.
New families, please call the parish to register. (518)785-1605

Mid-Level (Grades 6-8)
Sessions are scheduled on Monday evenings from 7-8 p.m.

Service at the Regional Food Bank with some of our 8th Graders!

High School (Grades 9-10)
Sessions are scheduled on Monday evenings from 7-8 p.m.

Safety, Security, and Protection: To ensure greater security while children attend faith formation sessions, extra adults are on hand to monitor the hallways, and identify anyone entering the building.

Youth Ministry


Sunday Children’s Programs

Safe Environment