Pastoral Care Ministry:
People who come together to assist others in need provide Pastoral Care Ministry. A member’s commitment is personal and flexible. The work of this ministry is confidential which is key for this group.
Visitation to Hospitals and the Homebound:
Those who help with pastoral care ministry provide hospital visitations, as well as visits to the sick and elderly, care to the grieving, and bring Eucharist to those who cannot celebrate with the community.
Prayer Line:
Parishioners minister through prayer to those who call in requests for the sick, grieving, and those suffering in any way. 518-785-0234
Elizabeth Ministry:
The Elizabeth Ministry supports women and their families during the joys, challenges, and sorrows of the childbearing years. They offer support, mentoring, educational materials and resources to encourage families and build community.
Respect Life Ministry:
This ministry promotes the respect of life through prayer and service. They plan the annual liturgy to celebrate the Feast of the Angels each October.
Bereavement Ministry:
The Bereavement Support Group is for those who have lost a spouse within the past two years. The group is led by a trained facilitator. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. You may call the parish office for further information.